Friends of SBU!
We have launched Friends of SBU. Now you and everyone you know (your former teammate that now has a real job, your parents, your boss or your favourite aunt) can support your favourite basketball association!!
For as little as 15 euros per year, you can save us from financial ruin in return for some fun activities. You can find more information and the form to sign up on our website Also if you want to help us organise the friends of SBU evening, message us, or send an email to!
The plug has been pulled. Besides the best efforts of some, some of our favourite committees weren’t filled enough to run this year, thus there will be no Smoelenboek nor an official SBU ski trip this season.
As a former Smoelenboekcie member myself, I was pretty disappointed that there would be no Especially because I had a great time during the committee meetings as well, I even remember that some things that were said during those meetings made it into the case!
As for the IJscie, obviously nothing stands in the way of you organising a trip with your favourite SBU’ers. However, you will be missing out on the perks of having it organised by SBU, like the cheaper tickets and making new SBU friends.
On the bright side, we have been in contact with the Bulls about organising a joint ski trip next season. So if you want to make sure there is a fun ski trip you can join with your teammates next year, be sure to join the IJscie next year!
Other Events
Special SBU Superstar Shoot-outs (SSBUSSS)
Board talk
We hope you enjoyed your break and didn’t forget all your basketball skills during those two weeks off. Though unfortunately, we have had to cancel multiple of our favourite annual activities this season, we are trying to organise some fun stuff for all of us this second half of the season. But more importantly, we are very busy behind the scenes, making SBU more stable and organised!
Studenten Basketball Utrecht (SBU)
Uppsalalaan 3
3584 CT Utrecht